Wiki Caprica
Wiki Caprica
103 Judge Maximus
Judge Maximus
Biographical Information
Name Judge Maximus
Origin Unknown
Residence Caprica
Occupation Judge
Status Living
Character Information
Portrayer Paul Perri
Episode "Reins of a Waterfall"
Cultural References Maximus (name)

Judge Maximus is a judge before whom Joseph Adama regularly appears. He takes Joseph aside and berates him because the bribes are being assumed instead of favors asked. The most recent bribe had been paid before he actually agrees to accept it. Joseph responds that he thought they had talked. Maximus says he is getting sloppy. The judge tells Joseph that due to this mistake his "fee" will be doubled. Since the Guatrau will not look kindly upon this turn of events, he says the extra fee will need to come out of Joseph's pocket.

Cultural References[]
